Anchor Terminology are words internationally accepted which are used on board for communication .It is to overtake the communication barriers,as the shipboard crew might be international.
Anchor; A cock-bill :It is a term which is used while heaving up or lowering anchor,that is when it is hanging outside the hawse pipe vertically.
Anchor;Aweigh:When the anchor is out of seabed and the whole weight of the anchor is on the anchor windlass.
Anchor Bell: Bell is struck when the anchor cable is heaved up or lowered,when each shackle reaches deck.
Eg : Four times Bell is struck when four shackles are on deck
Anchor;Brought up: When the vessel has stopped and vessel is tied to the seabed by the anchor .
Anchor Buoy: It is a small buoy attached to the anchor ,for indicating the position of the anchor in water.It has great importance when the anchor is lost or slipped .
Anchor cable: It is a heavy metal chain connecting the anchor to the vessel through windlass.The size and diameter of the cable changes from vessel to vessel.
Anchor;Dragging: When the anchor does not have a good hold to the seabed.It results in change of position of ship .
Anchor;Foul Hawse: It is when two anchors of the ship are payed out and both swings the same way due to effect of tide.It results in the twisting of anchor and blocks the anchor from heaving up or lowering down.
Anchor;Hanging off:There is a practice of mooring by anchor chains in some ports.The chain is detached from anchor and is tied to the buoy or berth.This is termed as Anchor hung off.
Anchor;Walk back: When the anchor is lowered slowly under the influence of windlass power.
Anchor;Letting go:When the anchor is lowered under the influence of gravity.It is done when the depth of water is less.